Feb 25, 2010


Bromo picture,originally taken by indotraveltips
If you decide to spend a vacation to Indonesia, do not forget to look for information about specific places you want to visit because this country has almost all the leading attractions. To be more focused, perhaps you need to distinguish 2 types of attractions you will visit in this country ie natural objects or human-made ones.
For natural objects, tourists are generally looking for uniqueness and beauty of the coast and mountain regions scattered throughout this archipelagic country. If this is your first time to visit Indonesia, it is better to directly go to Bali as a major tourist destination in Indonesia for Bali offers a variety of natural attractions as well as artificial, especially cultural magnetism.
But if you are not satisfied with the visit to Bali, it's good for you to also visit Prambanan and Borobudur as the largest Hindus and Buddhist temple in Indonesia, with domestic flight from Bali to Yogyakarta which only takes about 1 hour. For land travel, you need more than 12 hours to be able to visit the two monuments.
If still not satisfied with the beauty of the two, visit Mount Bromo, complete with the sand sea and the activity of the smoking Mount Semeru, is an advanced alternative to enjoy the beauty of Indonesia. This tourism object can be reached for about 9 hours of Prambanan Temple.
When you start craving the tourism objects in Indonesia, a visit to the small islands that are still virgins can become the next alternative. Thousands of uninhabited islands in this country are waiting for you to uncover their beauty.


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