Mar 15, 2010


Keluarga Berencana (Family Planning), picture by:
As a large country with a population reaching more than 220 million people, Indonesia is very concerned about its population growth. With the level of community welfare relatively uneven, the problems of population growth became a priority in the policy itself which is the manifestation, the Government of The Republic of Indonesia implemented through Keluarga Berencana (Family Planning) Program.

According to the term, Family Planning Program is defined as the movement to plan the number of family, or to form a healthy and prosperous family by limiting births with the use of contraceptives such as condoms, spirals, or IUD. In family planning, the number of children in a family that is considered ideal is two. The family planning program has been implemented since the late 1970s and until now still adopted in this country.

The general objective of family planning is to form a small family in accordance with the socio-economic power of a family with birth control means, to obtain a happy and prosperous families who can meet their needs. Other goals include birth controlling, maturing age of marriage, increasing resilience and family welfare.

So far, the family planning movement in Indonesia has brought positive impacts such as:

1. Decreasing maternal and child mortality;

2. Reducing reproductive health problems;

3. Improving family welfare;

4. Improving the health of families and communities;

5. Improving management systems and human resource capacity;


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