Mar 12, 2010


Nyepi in Bali, photo by:
If you've been to the island of Bali and coincided with the celebration of Nyepi by Hindus who are the majority population in the island of gods, perhaps you will agree that the Nyepi is very unique related to its silence. Even after the International Climate Change Conference in Nusa Dua, Badung, Bali, some time ago, where some world leaders highlighted the efforts to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the environmental activists in Bali stated that one of the efforts to support the reduction could adopt the concept of Nyepi. The idea was submitted by the Director of WALHI ( A Nature Lovers Organization) Bali, Ni Nyoman Sri Widhiyanti.
Ngurah Rai Airport, photo by:
The meaning of Nyepi itself is quiet, which in essence a fast day for the local community with emphasis on four things include:
- Amati Lelungaan, not traveling
- Amati Lelanguan, not enjoying the entertainment and food
- Amati Karya, not working
- Amati Gni, not turning on the light and fire.
On the day of Nyepi, economic activities in Bali stops for a day. Ngurah Rai international airport is closed for 1 full day. Even tourists who are vacationing in Bali are not allowed to go out of the hotel where they stay. All vehicles are not allowed to operate. Streets are deserted. Only some Pecalang (Cultural Police of Bali) walk to monitor the situation.
Therefore, before the Nyepi Day arrives, the tourists who do not want to be stuck in the silence of Bali are scheduled out of the island for a while because the precise time at 00:00 Bali on Nyepi Day, , all kinds of outdoor activities are prohibited. This continues for a full day until 24.00 hours. No cars, no motorcycles, no smokes, no emision.


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